Residential/ Property Surveys (See example)
ALTA Certification

Are those surveys conducted mostly for the homeowner or farm lot. Determination of the perimeter boundary and setting any missing corners compromise the largest task of this type survey. Usually location of apparent utilities, house location, outside structure and driveways are shown on the final survey plat. Surveys done to the standards required by the American Land Title Association are accepted universally by lending institutions as a requirement for Title Insurance.

Subdivision Design (See example)
Planning and Zoning Compliance

This survey is used when land is divided into 2 or more lots, usually needing government review and approval. After a perimeter survey is performed dividing lines are placed and monumented with corner markers stamped for surveyor identification. Application for Planning Commission Review is prepared along with legal descriptions, forms for sewage approvals, driveway access, or other conditional use statements as required. Knowledge of the many County and Local Ordinances provides for a complete and accurate subdivision plan.

Oil and Gas Development (See example)
Erosion and Sedimentation Plans

Oil and Gas Development, as required by the D.E.P., Division of Oil & Gas, a permit for each well drilled in the Commonwealth must be obtained prior to drilling. As a part of this process a plat prepared showing the location, longitude, latitude and elevation of the well must be prepared and certified. Access roads layed out and Erosion Sedimentation Control Plans prepared before any excavation and of moving earth. Pipelines are layed out, special permits such as Stream and Road Crossings must be acquired along with a notification of drilling sent to each water purveyors within a 1000 foot radius of the well.

Construction Stake-out (See example)
As-Built Surveys

Building layout for construction requires a vision and ability to read construction drawings so contractors can begin and stay working as scheduled. The setting of building corners, utility location, curbs and paving, as well, new sewer alignments are all a part of stake-out. Grades are established and elevations set to drain the property according to plans and calculated run off. This results in a well drained construction site where workers and material can be stored in safe and dry working areas.

Legal and Court Surveys (See example)
Expert Testimony

Land disputes often result in a decision by the Court based on reconstruction of evidence. Presentation of this evidence and testimony to its accuracy and finding is an important part of any contested land dispute. Interpretation of the record title, your deeds, begins the basis of intent usually when the parties of the original conveyance are not available to testify. Compared with the rules of construction, physical evidence, and other testimony gives the Judge needed information to apply case law for a decision. Court exhibits must be prepared and explained to accomplish a complete understanding by all involved.

Commercial Site Planning (See example)
Elevation Certificates

Before development plans can be prepared a survey of the property must be done. This survey provides for topographic detail such as elevation, existing building location, utility verification, and boundary line demarcation. Zoning laws are researched, floodways established, and easements or right-of-ways found to define a building setback envelope for the development.

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